So I am making a hide and seek game and basically the seeker can see which direction the hider is going so I was wondering if there is a way I can make the seeker bl!nd for exactly 30 seconds.
You could use a pitch black barrier off the side of the map, and use a camera view to zoom into it while the hiders are hiding. I’ve used that method before!
maybe a barrier with a timer
landyn thats better then what i came up with lol
Would have a black barrier and have a camera view so they can’t see at all
How do i make it to where the camera view goes back to normal after the timer is up
That’s funny. We all came up with the same exact solution for this one post
You could use this guide for making a timer…
I think you need a camera point not a camera view.
OMG…I’m dumbb… thank you for pointing that out!
Whenever the seeker spawns it doesn’t show the black screen, I added the camera point.
You may also want to set their speed to 0.0 because they can still move even though their camera is moved to the camera point.
Can you provide pictures of wiring, im getting stuck
Try this way:
Lifecycle - Game start
Relay - Random player / The specific team depends on your choice
Trigger: Trigger when receive on X channel and trigger on X channel, delay = 30.0 seconds.
Lifecycle (event occurs) -> Relay (trigger relay)
Relay (triggered relay) -> Camera point (activate camera point)
Relay (triggered relay) -> Trigger (trigger)
Trigger (trigger) -> Camera point (deactivate camera point)
additionally, if you want the seeker to not move during the 30 seconds, you can:
Relay (triggered relay) → Speed modifier (set to 0.00)
Trigger (trigger) → Speed modifier (set to default)
use a barrier and camera point and make player not able to move @LMTS32
But we want the relay to the seeker not a random player, why not a certain team? (The team the seeker is on)
It’s not making it look directly into the barrier so you can still kinda see…
Can somebody show pictures on a fix for this
Then just select the team you want in the relay.
Have you tried my method?