M1dnight's Ultimate Guide to Thumbnail Design

I could really use this since I’m starting to make my own thumbnails!!!

can u teach me some tricks and show me how to use some stuff


thanks for sharing! I might try it out sometime

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Great guide! Could I make a guide on hand drawing on canva?
Or would that be off-topic…

Uh @M1dnight I love this guide but…

There are other people who make thumbnails too, right? Like @Blizzy, @The-realgimkitMaster, and @Morepeko8. So other people can go to them, too, right? Also I’m not trying to be rude just pointing out stuff.


It’s ok @BananaBunny , I appreciate u for pointing that out tho.

Should I make a place where ALL thumbnail creators can show how they make a thumbnail?

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I think that could be done.
although I have already done a guide on that topic lol
hol hup, lemme link it ig

ther were a few on this topic i think. but here ya go-

Ohhh i get what u mean, but not EVERYONe uses the same web/app to make their art, so i was gonna like put different apps/art to make thumbnails on, etc

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im just kinda going of my recent work, cuz a lot of the thumbnails I’ve made have had good responses.

this is completely off-topic ._.
how is this related to gkc developing?


Yeah, you are really good at thumbnail designs, but just saying, there are a lot of really good thumbnail creators too. I for one am like, decent ig, and I_LIKE_PROPS is really good too.


how is it off topic?

Another one??? Noice.

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im not sayign im the best. i do love a lot of their work. i think a lot of people kinda forget that. i wrote the guide at like 11

how is it related to gkc developing?

cuz publishing is an important part of making gimkit maps and many people need help with thumbnails

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Well, thumbnails requests are cluttering up the help section, so ig it is a good idea to make one post on it and be done

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publishing is absolutely not necessary
this guide is not gkc-related at all
it just uses a gkc game thumbnail as an example

no ,its specifically for gimkit games
it may be able to cut down on the off topic posts in help

just flag the help posts and be done
maybe it would have been a good idea to make one thread and be done, yes! but PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY MADE THREADS FOR THUMBNAIL REQUESTS AND THUMBNAIL GUIDES

maybe one would have been good, but this is not the first…

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all the otherones a re down and flagged tho

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