Logic Gates in Blocks in Gimkit Creative! (Difficulty 🟧) (And gate, or gate, nor gate, etc.)

you use properties so that you can set the property to the one in the block code, so you can use it with other devices (helps give numbers for other devices to use)

so how would I connect an XOR gate to an AND gate?

you get the output of the XOR gate from the block code and connect it with one of the inputs of the AND gate in another block code.

huh I have 2 Brain cells

when u set a property to a value, it saves in between devices which means you can get the XOR gate’s output then input it into the AND gate

ok I will read this 3000 times

I’m trying to make 4 bit adder

You can use this instead!: How To Make A *VERY* Basic BINARY Calculator With NO Properties (Memory: 2%) (Difficulty: 5/10 or 🟨 ) (This follows the same truth table as one made with logic gates.)

It is more simpler than this one since this guide explains logic gates very poorly.

but I wanna make it my self

So for the and gates: if input 1 is a number, how do we detect if it is true, or false

0 = false
1 = true

i think, my computer science teacher kinda taught us this.

so like, you can check if a property is equal to 1 (True) then a outcome.

ok thx. honestly, i was confused as to what a logic gate can do, and after consulting chatgpt (dont judge) i figured it out

i know you said you figured it out already, imma give you a another example of what a logic gate is.

Okay so imagine a duo Halloween party, but a certain dress code, or a certain outfit (idk what im saying just go along) and the bouncer (the logic gate) will only allow you in if you meet the dress code, so if the dress code is matching costumes only, and you and duo are matching, you are let in (the logic gate is set to true) otherwise, your not let in (the logic gate is set to false) I explained a AND gate.


yeah i get what an logic gate is, but since i have a device post on an full-adder, i thought a full- adder could just add two binary numbers together, so i was confused, as if that was really posssible, then if u enter a multi-bit binary number, then how would it compare it?

(wait, do u understand? if not, its really just likei thought a full adder could add two numbers simultaneosly, adn i got confused.)

Ty MrEgg!


dude im stuck with you man, i asked chat gpt and this is what it replyed with
The full adder is designed to add two binary digits (bits), plus a carry-in bit from a previous addition (if there’s one). It outputs two things:

  1. A sum bit (the result of the addition)
  2. A carry-out bit (which is passed to the next higher bit position)

For example, if you want to add A = 1, B = 1, and Cin = 0 (carry-in), the full adder will output:

  • Sum = 0 (because 1 + 1 = 10 in binary, and the sum part is the least significant bit)
  • Cout = 1 (because there is a carry to the next higher bit, which is the most significant bit)

Full Adders for Multi-Bit Numbers

To add multi-bit numbers, you don’t need a new type of adder. Instead, you combine multiple full adders to handle each corresponding bit in the binary numbers you’re adding. This is called a ripple-carry adder or simply a multi-bit adder.

For example, let’s say you want to add two 4-bit binary numbers:

A = 1011
B = 1101

How the Full Adder Handles This:

  1. The rightmost (least significant) bit of A and B are added using the first full adder:
  • A0 = 1, B0 = 1, Cin = 0.
  • The full adder outputs Sum0 = 0 and Cout0 = 1 (because 1 + 1 = 10, sum is 0 and carry is 1).
  1. The next bit (A1 and B1) is then added, with Cin coming from the previous carry (Cout0):
  • A1 = 1, B1 = 0, Cin = 1.
  • The full adder outputs Sum1 = 0 and Cout1 = 1 (because 1 + 0 + 1 = 10, sum is 0 and carry is 1).
  1. The next bit (A2 and B2) is added with Cin from Cout1:
  • A2 = 0, B2 = 1, Cin = 1.
  • The full adder outputs Sum2 = 0 and Cout2 = 1.
  1. Finally, the leftmost (most significant) bit is added, with Cin from Cout2:
  • A3 = 1, B3 = 1, Cin = 1.
  • The full adder outputs Sum3 = 1 and Cout3 = 1.

Final Result

  • The Sum bits from all the full adders are: Sum = 0000.
  • The final carry-out (Cout3) is 1.

So, the result of adding 1011 and 1101 in binary is:


Copy code

+ 1101

The sum is 11000 in binary, and the final carry-out is 1.

Ripple Carry Adder:

In this example, we used a ripple carry adder, where each full adder’s carry-out is passed to the next full adder as its carry-in. This continues until all the bits are added, and the final carry-out is included in the result.

what i got from this is that if the two bits a and b have the same input (
a = 1
b = 1
) the output is 0
so kinda like a NAND gate.


do you need help with understanding it?

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yea, kinda, please help me idk what chat gpt is yapping about

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bascally, when you do addition,
like :
you do 6+5 first right?
Well, its the same with binary addition.
so, the last digits in the numbers : 10001 and 10011 are 1 and 1 right? well, if you plug in 1 and 1 for a and b in a adder circuit, then BOOM: out comes (i dunno, 1 or 0)

the carry is basically, when you do 6+5, its elleven right? so what happens is, we put 1 down, and carry 1. Same thing wiht binary. You 1+1 = 10 (in binary) , so u put down 0, and carry 1. so thats why there are 3 inputs for a circuit. A for the top number, B for the bottom number, C for the number carried over.