I don’t know but why even get a account at all If you want to be banned It will most likely get his Gimkit account banned too
upside-down guy? also when you get banned, can you still read or are you completely banned?
Also is this ever going to be fixed cause I emailed Gimkit and told them about this and they said this would be the best spot for it just wondering???
when you get suspended, you are logged out and cannot log in at all, i’m pretty sure you can still read tho
Back on topic please
So since mostly everyone has forgotten about this topic Will it ever be fixed?
they could be fixing it now who knows
I just hope cause it deals with not just props but also devices too so I just hope it gets fixed soon
And also I did email @Pharlain Well she’s the first on to answer to me and she told me this is the best place to report this bug and well I don’t thinks it going well
well, i wish you good luck
that bug happened to me too…
So Do I mark Unresolved on this or not?
You should just mark it, so in the future maybe some new guy won’t necropost it.
It’s whenever someone bumps an old topic, unneeded.
It’s not really necroposting, it’s only nine days. Necroposting is bringing to life an old topic but bumping it up to the top unintentionally. Could I see your layer settings?
Why did you just like 24 of my posts consecutively? It keeps on notifying me.
I’m just saying that someone could in the future, but yes true.
I enjoyed the guide, so I liked 50 post on it, and now I’m out, sorry if you were annoyed.
Oh Okay Thanks for letting me know