Layer bug, Something that's been here a while

Its really annoying

And I don’t think it will be fixed for a while
I’ve emailed gimkit but they haven’t responded yet though so

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every time I come back in my map any prop I copy is eternally on bottom layer unless I delete it and search up the same prop and bring it out

It’s getting worse and worse

@Shade you might have to redo everything that is bottom layered. Maybe it’s the floor? I really don’t know.

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you can also move things to different layers

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It’s not the floor this has been happening since gimkit creative first came out
and even if the floor wasn’t there the same effect happens

how long have you been working on the map?

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yea but if there already on primary and move it to above this happens
and this maps effects deals with all of my other maps and this is brand new

have you complained to gimkit before? if so, they might still be working on a bug problem like yours, as far as i know, it hasn’t happened to me (yet)

Walk away so that the prop in question isn’t on screen and then walk back.

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Yea I have emailed gimkit like 5 times About (But not in a rude way) maps not showing up in the discovery even though it was like the first published map with One Way in it and so on

That doesn’t work though
a few seconds later

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then maybe they are still working on bug fixes

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Yea, most likely so I check before and reloaded my map to make sure this would be and is a bug I just hope It gets fixed soon I’m if it gets fixed in summer though

if you emailed them 5 times, then they are probably looking into it.

I am really glad the Gimkit forums exist

But yea I Just hope it gets fixed soon

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Well since you just got an account you should read the guidelines before you do anything else like that and maybe change your name

@timmytickle-fart-3rd why do you like trying to get banned?!

he started in the devices category and made a off topic post and has not read the guide lines
@timmytickle-fart-3rd I seem like your trying to get banned cause one guy did a fake bug and got suspended until sep 3 this year is when he can do anything on the forums again