Just thought of a pseudo hit detection system and want to know if it would work

I just thought, zones can detect when projectiles enter the zone, if we detect a player and a projectile in that zone we stun that player, if we place multiple zones around an area, we can mimic hit detection.

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Not sure if this is what you mean but…

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I’m meaning by would it be possible to detect hits with zones and we can FINALLY do ranged stuns?

So like a zone around a player could detect projectiles and then hit the player from long ranges?

Ranged stuns?
I have a pseudo tag system that’ll help with dat

What do you mean by ranged stuns?

Projectiles can’t be tracked alone. You’d need props to activate at the estimated time the projectile could hit it.

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I’m not saying detect where they are by coordinates, what I’m saying is that zones can detect both when a player AND a projectile is in the zone

I think he means like you know how the normal tag device is limited to like 1-4 blocks? He wants to go beyond that with a moving zone/hitbox
If he wants a projectile thats a different story

You’d also use that as an aiming mechanism for physical objects. Pseudo-aiming is using a moving target to activate.

Zones AND props, props and zones…

sort of what I’m saying but not entirely, I mean using multiple zones to detect if both a projectile and player are in that zone.

Nothing can detect projectiles mid air
So im working pseudo projectiles of which i gave up for a while cuz brain hurt

I gave up pseudo-linking, idk when I’ll start again