Just light issues now

Can you show me what is triggered on receiving LeftDoorOpen?

Like what deactivates? Or what starts the trigger?

Can you show me what LeftDoorOpen does? Does it go through another trigger? Or does it activate the props?

Yeah. Is it fine if just tell you? Because the video to gif site is kinda stressing me out today.
So for my lights I have 2 barriers, one black with an alpha of 1. I have a white barrier with an alpha 0.80. The LeftDoorOpen channel turns off the overlay that allows me to use the lighter barrier. The LeftDoorOpen Channel also locks the barrier from closing when it’s open and it’s been deactivated.

Is it an issue with the overlay or the lights? Does bonnie turn off your ability to use lights, even when the left door is closed?

I think it’s an issue with the way the channel goes to the overlay.

Do you have any ideas?

So @Anonymous, do you have any ideas?

So bonnie can still disable the overlay???


How does the door opening work? Is it a one-time thing?

um you can continuously open and close the door, but when it’s disabled, there is no way to close it.

For bonnie I mean

once the overlays are disabled, they’re gone.

Do you have them set to show when the left door closes?

yes, when the left door is closed, the barriers are on. Bonnie turns them off. So when the door is open, and he’s at your door, he can disable you from using your left door. gtg. cya.

Tell me if I have the issue correct:

Bonnie is supposed to be able to open your door and disable the overlay (for turning on the light) at the same time. However, in your game, Bonnie is somehow able to disable the overlay even when he doesn’t open the door.

No, bonnie isn’t supposed to be able to open the door. Everything else is right tho.

So while the door is open, Bonnie can appear and disable the lights?

yes. In FNaF (Real game) when you door is open, they can turn off the door and lights from the outside.