Just light issues now

Okay, so my code broadcasts Open door, which my lights and barriers receive, but it doesn’t work properly.
@LEPRECON2024? are you on?

Leprecon2024’s on my blog. Do u want me to tell him u need him?

Also, have u noticed that only me and a few other OGs haven’t left? We’ve been dropping off like flies, and even the creator of the wixsite retired. Which OGs other than myself do u think are left?

Yeah, I just realized where the problem is. It’s in how the code works. And how the barrier (s) works.

Yay! The problem’s solved!

What do u think about my OG question, though?

No, it’s not. I’m not good with code, so I can’t fix it, and I don’t entirely understand the barriers problems.

I am here and see you guys fixed things, good. I am glad things are working.

What is left to fix?

@Joey It’s not.

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the problem is with the barriers and the code on my trigger that broadcasts to the Barriers.

The only thing I can say is to learn more about code to see what code is needed and needs to be removed. I am not good with code myself.

Sorry, I can’t help other than that advice. :frowning_face:

There’s nothing that can tell you about advanced code in simpler forms.

Oh, still, I am not skilled in code, I hope it gets fixed some day, one day.

Although I am pretty sure that awesomeT43 is the person who created that code, so maybe he can tell me…

Ok, well I can’t help so I’ll go.

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Yea just find @awesomeT43 and ask for some help. Your game may as well be as good as fixed.


So is the problem solved, can these be resolved?

Oh and in reply to one of the earlier posts from you:
Yes, the game is almost done. I just need to make the nights, finish the animatronics, and fix the problems currently happening, plus all the bugs that may pop up in testing.

not solved yet.