It's not impossible


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Usually you should only bump after ten days.


Nah, they removed that rule. Plus, it was five days and it was a community rule.

Sorry, I had to hide this because people who hate me were flagging this as off-topic. I wonder why lazydragon's post below isn't flagged.

In my opinion, here’s why bumps should be more than 5 days old, at least.

  1. If people bump guides within 5 days or so, it’ll cause clutter and the guides aren’t even that far down. Consider the popular guides with lots of activity. If it keeps on getting bumped every two days, we’ll just have a bunch of guides at the top always, and the newer guides won’t be read as much.
  2. Bumps are a bit off-topic since they are not related to gimkit creative, they’re just showing support or trying to make a guide more popular. If you’re bumping within 5 days, it shows that you just really love the guide and want everyone to see it, and that you don’t really have anything else to post.
  3. We need to decide the purpose of a bump. Bumping on the forums are to bring back useful guides that are really forgotten. When we bump a topic, we’re showing that we want users to gain from it, to know that it’s there. If you see some of kormorant’s bumps, he bumped topics that were really forgotten, months since the last post. For this 2-day bump, you’re not bringing back a dead guide that would be useful for everyone in the community. You’re bringing up a popular guide that mostly everyone already knows about. When you bump these topics that aren’t dead, it isn’t as valuable as bringing back an old topic, doing something nice.

So ShadowShade, no, it isn’t ‘dumb’ that the 5-day rule was added. There are reasons why. And this also applies to mass-bumping topics. If you’re bumping 10 topics in one hour, it’s probably likely that you’re just bored and want something to post.

This was not intended to be offensive, please just learn something from this and move on.

So yes, there are a few things that are theoretically impossible to do in GKC (but are possible in real life) because of the memory limit. For example, trying to make generative ai in gimkit creative would be very hard since first you need the algorithm.

This itself would take up to half or more of the memory space.

Second, you need the training material. Real ai bots are trained on tons of data and paragraphs, and each gkc ‘text’ block can only hold a few sentences. Because of the block piece limit, there just isn’t enough memory and functionality in gkc to make large projects like these.

However, if you’re talking about this speech, physics engines, generative ai, encryption, these things are all technically possible to do in gimkit, because gimkit is turing complete, just no one has done it yet.


The 5 day bump rule should not exist.
I totally agree with mysz.
The 5-day bump rule is just stupid and every time someone or a new user didn’t know it hasn’t been 5 days since the last post and bumps the topic, they get yelled at.
“The 5-day bump rule” isn’t actually a rule, it was made by the community themselves.
It doesn’t really negatively impact the forum that much.
Like chill guys lol, it isn’t the end of the world. (or the forums)

A Haiasi Quote to start off with my disagreement to what chunky’s saying.

Chunky I see what you’re saying but I disagree.
Just because the 5-day rules was removed, that doesn’t mean everyone is bumping before 5-days. A lot of people still bump after 5 days.

First of all

Then lemme ask, why are there still help topics that have the answer on the popular guides if “everyone” knows about the guides? Your over exaggerating it a bit too far.

I’ve never seen a guide that gets repeatedly bumped after 2 days so another over exaggeration and a poor attempt to back up your main point of view and based off of what I’ve seen, newer guides are still fairly viewed.

True except the only person that does that is @Kormorant
and he/she bumps months of old posts that have been buried and not seen so he/she should be fine.


you know what? I probably shouldn’t have gone so mad. I’ll be more chill now.
@LazyDragon thanks for the constructive criticism (no actually, not being sarcastic)


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One thing I do want to say about this guide:
There are somethings that are not possible, but it’s not that they’ll never be impossible, it just means that it’s not possible at the moment.

and btw I’m a he.


a person who doesn’t assume others’ genders! THANK YOU!


alright now let’s stop with the off-topic posting

I understand the gender stuff but please…


:nerd_face: Technically not. Although many things can be done in Gimkit, I believe it actually isn’t Turing complete due to memory and device limits. (This is assuming Brainduck takes up more memory/devices for more lines of code. If it doesn’t I am wrong.) Although, Pokémon Yellow is Turing complete due to the inventory, but I’m not sure if the inventory is infinite. Even if it is, I’m guessing Pokémon Yellow can’t process billions of inventory items, so maybe Gimkit is Turing complete after all!

ChatGPT gave this a 5 out of 10. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I mean, some things really aren’t possible in gimkit creative. . . (Well, obviously, try finding the prime factorization of a 200 digit number using GKC)
But for this speech it’s about things that forum users ask for and are told “it’s impossible” because gimkit isn’t advanced enough to have those functionalities. For me it’s more inspiring.


are you saying gkc is turing complete or not?

also, you;re gonna have to ask someone like getrithekd or blackhole for proof gimkit is turing complete because i never did anything :\


Blackhole made a coding language in GKC, but I’m not sure about the details.

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A) Has that even been done with regular text-based coding?
B) Just like the first post says, just because it hasn’t be done doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Although I would not want to spend 3 hours working on that, it would definitely be a very unique map.

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The bounds of gimkit are constantly being pushed, so yeah, some things regarded as impossible right now won’t be impossible in the future. This PSA was made really just regarding systems that are possible right now, but are above the average level of difficulty (so most people don’t believe they are possible). Regardless, everything runnable on a computer can be made in gimkit.

This is a good point, but a little known fact is that properties aren’t bounded by text limits when setting them through block code. I’ve personally imported over 200,000 characters of text into a single map, so memory limits aren’t a problem here. In theory, we might run out of space at some point since gimkit’s servers can only hold so much data, but this limit is so incredibly high we don’t need to worry about it lol. Considering things like 3D renders, without even abusing this method, can run at only 30% memory, I think it’s very reasonable to say that gimkit creative is basically Turing complete. Plus, no normal computer has infinite memory either, so as long as we have a lot (which we do) we’re fine.

This is in fact very possible, albeit slow. With some good optimizations, I think it would be perfectly reasonable to write a map that could factor prime numbers of that size in reasonable times (less than a few hours).

This was the idea- just an inspiring speech that’s technically true lol

Brainduck is the language that was implemented, and it’s turning complete, therefore gimkit is. It’s currently not published since it’s in the middle of an unfinished memory expansion and redecoration.

(This is in reference to factoring a 200 digit prime number) yes, it has lol


The difficulty of prime factorization is the reason why RSA encryption works. . .
But I kind of misspoke, yes, a 200-digit number would be easy to factor with brute force.
(the like limit is so annoying)

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yo it is possible with new device camera point from now on

Is what possible?

Is Brainduck made with properties? My first thought was text in blocks, but I guess that would also work (I think).

That would be an interesting challenge, although much easier if you meant that it would take less than a few hours to make the map (which I believe you didn’t)