Item ideas for DLD map (SCI-FI)

But wont that take a lot of memory for an already massive game im going to make. I mean just look at all the ideas i have just for the items.

You could also give the obstacles high health so that the zapper would take too long to break the obstacles but since the evil Eye does a lot of damage it will encourage the player to use the evil Eye.

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But it is still possible for the zapper to destroy it. I might use it as a last resort.

Well then you could make the zapper a common and the evil Eye a legendary and give the barrier like 650 health so that it will take an absurd amount of time to break. Wait I came up with a better idea when you enter the zone it grants you the evil Eye and removes the zapper and when you leave the zone it gives you the zapper back and removes the evil Eye.

But what if your in a combat situation and you don’t want to break the prop yet? Also if you get rid of your weapon every time your near a secret you don’t even have to look for them.

@cheesebox Are you going to draw the thumbnail digitally or physically?


Ok, Thank you @cheesebox. You can make any changes you want but please keep the main theme (Underground, single gim as the focus, etc.)

you bet. it’s not gonna be drawn, rather it’ll be designed. here’s what I have so far.


I’ll be putting shading and light and stuff on later


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I think it’s done! How’s it look?


Maybe less grass and more stone… (and maybe make the light be less noticeable and in the background)


Sorry if this is being to much to ask.

No, I’m glad you’re offering criticism, it helps make me feel reassured of if I’m making it right or not

is this ok?


Love the water fall. Brighten up the image, love the title but I haven’t decided on a name yet, less trees though. Your really good at this though.



Yes much better. :slight_smile:

  • Could you make the gim farther into the background and make it so there are no trees in the foreground
  • Make the everything in the background bigger to compensate for the bigger gim
  • if you have the patience) make a little area just behind the gim with a rocky flooring. (could you send me a picture without the rocky flooring and one with it?)
  • also could you get rid of the metroidvania thing so that I can put it in myself.
  • more vines in the background and rocks (but not too many)
    Could you show me the thumbnail after every couple of changes so I know if its looking good? and Please let me know if this is starting to get annoying.
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