Is this a bug? How would it work?

How would this be possible?


Even though it might not be a Bugs it’s still weird and sorta funny.


XD wait what Am i seeing?


Does not seem to do anything.


That’s what I thought, just seems weird that that’s an option…


Your pretty much asking ¨hey I captured this LETS DO IT RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW AGAIN!¨ I wish it would give you 2 points because that would create pretty cool ideas for capture the flag games


what does capturing the flag do in the first place? does it just send out a signal on a channel? (I don’t work with flags much)
if so, it likely just triggers either a recursive loop or it just sends out an extra signal


No, you pick it up to bring back to your zone, giving you points.

1 Like

Should I mark a solution? What’s the verdict?

Capture the flag just checks if you have the flag that it corresponds to and removes the flag and sets it as “captured”, in this case, using a capture zone that is wired to a flag wouldn’t do anything significant as it doesn’t trigger back and forth, wiring the flag to a trigger to then trigger when flag is captured and then trigger to capture flag would allow the flag to be captured multiple times since everything is done back and forth.

TDLR: flag capture zone runs, capture flag only runs once since they aren’t connected to each other.

PS: Yes, it can transmit signals to other devices when flag is captured.


IDK XD what am I seeing

So when you capture the flag, it captures the flag… which makes you capture the flag again, which makes you capture the flag again, which makes you capture the flag again, …

theory continued

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If I’m wrong please let me know. I’m actually curious.

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I would mark a solution though, as your question has been answered @GimSolver

It has?

here it did

so basically the outcome is that the world ends


He said he was going to check, I don’t think he did yet.

here it does then

Yeah but I don’t wanna close it, I just want people to see this hilarious bug.