I was making a pre-game room, and wanted to add sentries in it, but they don’t show in the pre-game.
I didn’t see a setting for it. Can someone think of how to work around this?
I was making a pre-game room, and wanted to add sentries in it, but they don’t show in the pre-game.
I’m pretty sure team Gimkit made sentries not show pre game intentionally, sorry.
But, a guide by gimkitsuggestor can show you how to make a fake one!
I don’t think so, but maybe we could find an “item image” file name for it.
there’s a topic about this from a few weeks ago. Help With Icons (Vending Machine)
well if you got season pass you could use skin device, if not
in the lobby you should just be able to place sentries there while the spawn is pre game so idk
Yeah, use a character device and they will show up in the pre-game. It’s locked behind the season ticket right now, but a friend can place it for you or you can wait and add the device once it is free.
I’m too broke to buy the season ticket and I have a deadline for the project, so yeah I’m cooked I’ll just try to remake the sentries using barrier art.
well if you can find someone with ticket then your in luck unless you truly want to do the barrier art one
Oh I guess I could try to get someone to put the character device on my map. Thanks, I’ll try that!
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