I have a Gimlag in a battle royale map, so you respawn, so a live player counter won’t work since it tracks how many players are on the spectator team.
I need a way to do this that supports my Gimlag. Is this possible?
Edit, I cleared out lots of storage by replacing surrounding terrains with camera views, so now I have a little bit more than 1000 storage.
What if you had a counter that was counting whenever there was a ko, then if you go into the block code of a repeating trigger you make the block code something like: If "The property that the Ko Counter updates" equals "The property that the player counter updates" -1 broadcast message on "Game End"
But that wouldn’t work unless each player can only be ko’ed once, so this is just an idea, let me see if I can find anything else…
Wait, so you can’t make a filtered player counter[1] check for all players who DON’T have an item, then use a checker to check if it equals one. If so, end game.
The word filtered refers to how there is now a relay and/or checker in the build, filtering the amount of people who can trigger it. ↩︎
To make the system that ClicClac talks about (The way I built it only uses 270 memory) is just giving everybody an item on game start (Using starting inventory) then when they’re KO’ed taking it away (Using lifecycle wired to a item granter with negative value) and continuously checking if the number of bait = 0 (Using repeating trigger, checker and end game)