Is there a way to add a minimap to my GIMKIT creative

True… Also, 1109628, that isn’t too hard then. You will just need a map that has character icons that appear in rooms based off coordinates.

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Okay but how would i do that
is there a guide to help me?

Not specifically. Is your world complete in terms of rooms?

The most I could say based on my knowledge of Gimkit is to add zones in every room and wire it to barriers that appear on a table when a player activates the zone, and then deactivates when a player leaves the zone. It will not show what player is who, only where.


yes it is complete @Apoll02

Okay, can I have a picture (or several) of it? You will need to make a tiny version, possibly with text.

sure give me a minute

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You can edit to include them, and you put two of the same picture.

oh sorry i did not notice that

We will need to stitch those together, probably.

meaning what @Apoll02 ?

How are they connected? Meaning attach the pictures together.

by teleporters @Apoll02

Are they not touching at all?

not at all.
should i make them do that?

No, I just needed to know, because it affects the map.

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i will not be able to respond for about an hour

Okay, that’s alright.

see you then @Apoll02

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