Is it possible to make sabotages?

I’m creating a basic Team-based Tag Game, and I wanted to make a purchasable upgrade that would allow a player to sabotage the opposing team (i.e make them slow them down, make answering question give less cash, etc etc). Is this even possible? If so, does it involve Blocks?

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For slowing them down, let’s assume the other team is Team 2.

Vending Machine (Item Purchased) → Relay (Relay Trigger for All Players on Team 2)

Relay (Relay Trigger for All Players on Team 2) → Speed Modifier (Set player to configured speed).

The speed modifier can be 0.5x speed.

You can also reduce cash, but it requires blocks. Would you like an explanation?

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i think if you use the vending machine and make it connected to a channel where when purchased transmit on… and make a speed modifier connected to the vending machine and so on so forth


Alright. For the losing the amount of cash earned, you could have a questioner → trigger1 → item granter setup. The trigger is important. When a player from team 2 buys the cash downgrade, deactivate trigger1, and activate trigger2. Trigger2 should be connected to the same questioner, but a different item granter that grants a different amount of cash.

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