Is it possible to make a custom chat

In gkc? yeah. It’s possible

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oh how?

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This is a good guide for a chat system, although the messages are pre-determined (no custom messages)

You could go for a fully custom chat, using a keyboard system, but it isn’t the most memory efficient way to go.


no where you can type whatever

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me wonna test out ideas 2morrow but just check for info

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Yeah it’s possible

Trigger - inputs a letter or symbol or space

The hardest part of a chat system would be the actual keyboard, which has been done before [1]

I’m too tired to do more.

  1. There was a guide on a fully functioning keyboard, but it was deleted in the purge ↩︎

okay thx

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but simpleness is hard to put to everything

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:bulb: IDEA POP for this I’ll check 2morrow
Idea when trigger/button transmit … :face_with_hand_over_mouth: nd_over_mouth: :sleeping: …/

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with counter-booleans[1] you can save a bunch of memory for inputting letters.

  1. yes, i keep mentioning these because they are sigma ↩︎


k thx but first i’ll try then yours


oh okay.


Probably is but I don’t recommend building it due to users may putting inappropriate things on the chat.

well what if sertan letter combos can’t be put

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this would be really good for among us during the emergency meetings.

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Maybe you could try to modify this guide for your use:

oh thx so much!