Invisabits? is it posible?

is there a way to make invisabits???

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Invisabits are not currently in the game, and neither is a way to get you character to go invisible (without placing a huge barrier over them) (which isn’t a very good method).

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bruh why gimkit im not a pro teacher i wanna remake stuff :C

but thanks

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Please mark a solution to the topic.

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You could have the player teleport to a empty copy of the map with a limited time to move around before they were teleported back to where they stopped on the fake map on the real map. This would be very memory consuming, though, and would require two copies of the map AND two coordinate systems.


Yeah, I don’t think that’s happening.

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There would be some flaws in it though, such as no one could hit them in “invisible mode,” and you would be unable to see if anyone would be there when they went “uninvisible” But no solution at the time is perfect.

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Time consuming, memory consuming (terrain and stuff), and 2 coordinate systems?

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Also you cant fight players or like pick up flags.

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Caviare, blackhole, Zypheir, or I could pull it off.


Actually, you could just use one coordinate system.


Well, if this was used in say, a capture the flag game with sentries, how would damage to sentries count (answer, dont use sentries), and also, you basically can’t have your main map have over 50% memory.

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Also, you can get tagged while having invisabits, you can’t get tagged in this case, so you cant fully recreate them.

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Please mark a solution

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Since there isn’t a clear solution, you could mark one of the work arounds as a solution.

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Invisabits would be difficult, but I did find a workaround for invincibility. Could make a guide on it in the future.

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yes i also want invincibility please

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Ok. Will make guide now.

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