Infection gamemode help

No No No, this is NOT an “I need help with mechanics” This is for ideas to add to my game, I already have the base idea down and I need stuff to add (this is also the perfect time to NOT explicitly ask for a thumbnail but if someone wants to make one I would not be opposed to it) I also do need a name, rn its just called Infection (your help will be rewarded with one thing being put in the game, you can choose anything from a custom prop, Npc, shop whatever is possible in gimkit creative)

The main idea: I am working on the lore rn, but I have the objective down, you are a group of survivors trying to patch up holes in the fence that protects your town, but some holes either have sentries or infected that cannot move but can fire at you or are already patched up so it is always different every time you play

You might want to describe your game a bit more


Do you have a setting and backstory in mind already?

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Maybe you could make the title “infectionation”.

I am working on the lore rn, but I have the objective down, you are a group of survivors trying to patch up holes in the fence that protects your town, but some holes either have sentries or infected that cannot move but can fire at you or are already patched up so it is always different every time you play

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“The Outbreak” or “The Infestation” (for names)? Maybe even “The Fence”?

A system where items can spawn, when they enter your inventory they get detected, and a power up for you/your team or a power down for the other team happens. For example: speed change, force your enemies to respawn, something like that. Idk how you get them to spawn randomly around the map though.

Hope this was helpful. Good luck on your game!

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Add lore that ties in with real Gimkit lore

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That was something I was planning on adding, there will be random air drops that spawn exactly at 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes (they get better with each one) but you did help, want anything in the map

that seems interesting, I might add that (same as what I told @Fulcrum-19 want anything in my map)

Maybe the holes and infected can spread.

Wow OK! How about making the supply drops orange :orange_square: with a big F-19 on them? Thanks a lot!

That’s why there are multiple holes, the infected spawn at different points on the map, the less their are, the more you can control them, but the harder it is to fix the last hole without being infected

Maybe add something with the crafter or chemical supreme, and have a locked safe or something.

I will do that, I would have never thought of making the airdrops orange, nice thinking!

:grinning: Good luck! I hope it turns out great!

I will do that as the alt ending, where you “Delete” the map to stop the infection (can’t say Destore, you get what I mean)

What about a dash mechanic with a cooldown or a spreading area that you get weaker in? I don’t know how well these would synergize with your game, but they are ideas!

Hm, I like that idea, I will add an upgrade where the humans can move the same speed in an infected zone (Want anything in the map, will respond later, got lunch to go to)

Maybe you could make the map bigger as you progress through the game so it gets more harder to maintain the fence covered.