In-game Chat System: A guide by Dayy (Difficulty:🟧)

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I made this, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Can anybody help?

@PotionMaster , Me too

Have you checked all the wires? I would start there.

dont i know you from somewhere? @TiaBen

I have an issue
The chat won’t show to other people like if I chat to someone hey don’t see it!

Make sure you’re using the add activity feed for everyone block, not the add activity feed for triggering player block.


i think they have to be in fullscreen

Welcome back mate! You helped me with my voting system.

I tried making this, but it didn’t work……has anybody been able to make this or is it just because it’s super hard

Dayy does a nice job of explaining it, but he misses a crucial step. Most experienced people have been able to see past it and fill the gaps, but this can be confusing for others.


He misses this step: set the first screen of the chat to receive on message chat
(When you press the button)


chat bump


If your message isn’t showing, you might have to set your screen size to 80%. Just press “Ctrl” + “-” twice.


Shortly after making this guide, I made a faster, easier way to make this that uses slightly more memory but you can chat while moving and have messages that only show to your team. If you want, I can work on a guide for this. The benefit of this new system is that if you are trying to capture a flag or knockout the enemy, you can run while chatting instead of being locked in place.


Sure! That would nice.

That would be interesting!

I haven’t I’m just too cool :sunglasses:


I am stuck, can you make a step-by-step video to guide me? all that’s there is the button but nothing happens when I click it.

What do you need help on?