I'm Trying to Build a "Toxic" Island, but I don't know how? [RESOLVED]

So, I’m working on a work where you teleport to islands and defeat monsters. Then get a code after completing them all and move onto the next. I really want one of my islands to slowly (And I emphasize slowly) take away health. I usually check community guidelines, as its very helpful, but I couldn’t find one. Is it even possible? Thank you so much for reading this, and a bigger thanks to anyone who answers! :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure but I believe you can set a zone, connect it to a repeater, and health granted, set the repeater to a longer amount of time, and grant negative health. I hope this is helpful and works! :smile:

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You can’t input negative health into the health granter though.

Yes, I tried to do that infact, but then i started to gain health. Maybe its not even possible?

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Only thing I can think of is putting invisible lasers everywhere, but that would get very tedious.

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try making sentries that slowly shoot you but have aim that does not miss
that might work

also put the sentry outside of the island border and change the sentry size to fit the whole island you want players to take damage on

You could tie an item to a manager and drain it and once ot runs out respawner

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You guys came up with such good ideas, thanks so much! Btw, invisible lasers are not tedious as i can just copy each of them :slight_smile: Sadly, the laser itself cannot become invisible, but it was a really smart idea! Sentries dont work well either, because sentries cannot become invisible and they refuse to shoot the player untill they are within the players view for some reason (They also dont shoot through walls) So its still in progress. Thanks so much for the replies! Sorry for the late reply!

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For the invisible laser theories, you could try making the color of the laser identical to the color of the background of said island. You could also hide the starting and ending points of the lasers. For example, pale blue against snow background is near invisible, as I found out while making my map.

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also remove the dotted lines.

Thanks so much guys!!! I finished the Island now and It works pretty well! I just need to make it take less health, @WhoAmI and @ItsBattlesTwo Thanks so much for your time and replies! Sorry for the late reply again, I keep my notifications off. Just adding the Last two Islands and trying to figure out how to make it where you can make props hidden once you get a certain item, and the game will be finished!


Delete this post pls

what why should he/she delete this post?

Did i mess something up in the post @DontCallGimkitGimmit ? I can put it as resolved, and this was my first post mind you, so may you please point out what is up with it? I also go by ‘she’, but i dont really mind what pronouns you give me btw =D

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So are you a male and go by she/her or a female and go by he/him bc I am looking for a answer for ur map. God bless you.

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You could use the breath meter guide, but replace the pond with poisonous gas.

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