I'm planning to make a store for my game. Any ideas? (i cant talk btw)

My map is top down and im planning to make a store.

So, do you just want power-ups?

sigh, just check out some help topics asking for powers, users put in like thousands of thems, I’m sure you’ll find something good.

A gaming store would be cool and a store with some of gimkit skin in it

like, what does the store sell?

Probably, items and power-ups.
I think

here @Himselfisdumb , The C.O.P.S. Way On Powerups (guide on powerups)

(post deleted by author because they didn’t check)

new user reply limit

They have basic
Probably busy

Ah! Wait, I thought that only lasted for a day?

Edit: Ah again! They joined 18 hours ago, mb, :sweat_smile:

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he joined 18 hours ago
oops o well

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I’m confused? What kind of ideas do you need? Decor ideas, how to make a working money system, etc?

Well I guess there ending the topic-

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the store wouls sell weapons and med packs and also shield cans and any other times that you would need in the game

just curious what do you mean you cant talk?

Everyone is guessing it’s because new users have a limit on how many replies they can send in a day. The topic is solved though so they probably found a solution without needing to say anything @coolcrew7

It’s all good, I was just letting you know in case you wanted to help :heart:

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mb @rainbow
20 characters

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