If you had the power to create your own Gimkit gamemode with your own devices and assets, what would you do?

As I understand it, librekit is being created so there is a open-source client for Gimkit, correct?

There’s also a server-side codebase, although it’s currently very experimental.

Obviously there are benefits to a custom client (sounds, look, performance, etc) but is there a specific reason or problem that’s trying to be solved, or what?

No, it just exists because:

  1. Full software freedom is the ideal situation, and I want it to be possible to use Gimkit that way (at least with just client-side free software) with the librekit frontend
  2. It would be the much-needed end of external Gimkit modloaders since having full control over the client-side code would mean that there would no longer be a need for using an external modloader on top of the official Gimkit client. It also means that we can add a built-in plugin loader!

+fun project


im a coder and this would be amazing (well an okay one but has the knoledge to learn new types quickly) if anything go kart racing, laser tag, and some devices to make eatable food maybe make a fast food restruant… you know to get experience


no please, im not doing that fight again


maybe fnf would be fun… or maybe splatoon thats a far cry to-do many years of work, and i know nitendo will be standing behind me the moment i post it with a billion dollar fine and some years in jail


Definitely something with melee weapons. Ooh, maybe a role-choosing snowbrawl-type game (using a character choosing mechanic) where you can choose from both melee and ranged fighters.
Any WoW players here? Kinda like that


I would create a game like Mario or sonic. I definitely see this being added one day.


why delete it, hikiko? that’s fine!


i will add this gim

or this gim

or i will add a spiderman type of game but with grapple hooks or if josh gets a license, a web shooter

Grapple hooks would be fun!!


What if they added sports mechanics, or at least possible sports mechanics, like decreasing the size of the ball to a way that you could use it like a ping-pong ball, and use the new mining mechanic to have a melee weapon.

A melee weapon would change the game for sports in Gimkit, including the kind of activities like a passable ball, soccer, and if they include a game you can swim in, or just water in general, a game like swimming, water polo, or the like.

Football would be possible, I guess, but if they included sentries you could program like THEHACKER120 suggested, it would make defending a blocking, or otherwise sentry interactions much easier, with the new Npc interactions working just as well.


A hide in go seak map with the invisible device to make you invisible

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I wish you could make your own weapon stats to be able to make fn weapon mods.

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If the sentries could move around that would be amazing!

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Maybe a 3D Game mode would be Cool.


That would kinda completely change ‘Gimkit’ into a whole new thing. GK is already changing fast enough, just look at how fast all these modes are being pumped out.


It’s not just you. Literally everyone in the librekit community thinks that 3D gamemodes would be a great thing to add.

If I do that myself I’d probably use A-Frame. Not sure what Josh would use though.


Yes but we should probably try and get the 1D gamemodes implemented, they haven’t been worked on at all basically. idk how most of the blueboat interactions work and I’ve been struggling to find out, but when I do I’m gonna try and upgrade the host screen.

For context, librekit like half supports classic mode and that’s it at the moment, we should be focusing on getting that working before we jump to 3D.


this is a cool project, can’t wait to see what it becomes!