Ideas - Platformer Battle Royale Game


Alrighty, Hello Folks! I’m making a Battle Royale in platformer. The game is based around various towers, with different mechanics for the build of the tower. That, today, is what I am asking YOU for.

The Format

  • Background Color (This will be done using barriers)
  • Platform Material (for the sake of me being able to find what material you use)
  • A Mechanic from the provided list.
  • An Image of a build of the tower in GKC
  • How you want to be credited. (put none if ya dont want to be)

The Mechanics

  • Pseudo Jump Crystals (Use a small green barrier as the placeholder)
  • Timed Platforms (use a purple rectangular barrier as the placeholder)
  • Semi-Solids (use a DARK BLUE rectangular barrier as the placeholder)
  • honestly anything reasonable you can come up with (tell me the placeholder)


Placeholders are for the sake of simplicity. (and also my sanity)

Extra Rules

  • No Super Complicated Art
  • Be Reasonable.
  • Use the format. If you don’t use the format, I WILL know you didn’t read the entire post.

I’m asking for a little bit of clarity. I read this like five times and I’m still a bit confused.

So you’re asking for people to build tower ideas in gimkit and send you screenshots? (Building the tower ideas from your list)

If so, I think I might try it…maybe.

Yeah. I’ll edit the guide for a bit more clarity. Also I forgot one part of the format. (crediting)

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i mean you could try make this to add for a closing storm

. . . read. the. whole. post.

i did. you could make the back ground purple for a storm
(i did like 2 times and im still confused)

A: no format
B: you are providing a completely different thing than the post asks for. I am asking for images of buildings. for a platformer battle royale.

He means post your ideas in this type of way, right @PhoenixWander?

Yeah. I need the format used.

and also, I’m asking for towers.
Not special mechanics.

oh thanks for clarifying @ColtonRex

  • purple background
  • space catwalk
  • pseudo-jump crystals
  • i dont have an image oops
  • i guess an npc or smth
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Need this for the layout.

what name do i put.

uhh i guess the tower could look like this

and the npc could be named kirbb101 using day one skin

. . .
I need an image. of the actual build.
For the layout.


Finally, a sensible person!!!

So you’re looking for ideas for tower, or what?
(I’m confused because some people are saying NPCs)

1 person is saying npcs as a crediting method.
I need to update the post but the forums aren’t letting me edit atm.

Yea I need tower ideas.

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NPC’s are basically character devices (if you have the season ticket) or sentries with buttons, barriers and overlays.

You’re welcome.


Bruh, I have the season ticket and I use the character and dialogue devices a LOT…
I was asking if @PhoenixWander wanted NPCs, towers, or both…
Not a definition.
I have an idea for a tower, but give me a second…

Ahh… that makes sense. I think he probably wants both. At least, that’s what I would want.

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I want just the towers.