Ideas for Parkour physics and how to make them?

I like playing parkour games like Parkour Reborn(Roblox) and Mirrors Edge, I just wanted to know it it was even possible in plat-former to make like wall climbing, vaulting, or just other stuff like that. I’m a new user and don’t know much about the game but I do know there is a lot you can do and some stuff that’s pretty advanced so I just thought I’d ask you guys.

Wall climbing is (sorta) possible. Just search up “everest” on discovery. It has climbing mechanics (kinda)

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I tried the game out but I am not enough to see the wall climb, could you explain it

I have seen the wall climb mechanics.It works like when you touch a wall, a pickaxe emoji appears to show you are wall climbing.It puts an invisible barrier there.

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wall climb? couldn’t you just make a zone that makes barriers activate when someone jumps on the zone? then deactivate the past barriers when you reach the zone up it


for vaulting couldn’t I just put a zone on top of a prop that speeds you up when you go through it?

yeah, then use a speed whatever thingy

what @Thukuna said.

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Or a speed multiplier.


another question but a wild one, it is possible to make a thing where you can pull yourself to an object or sentry or whatever, because I could make a grappler if so

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maybe do multiple teleporters in a line and make them teleport when pressing something. so it looks like the player is swinging

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so yeah, I could make a button in an object and when you jump and press it, it starts a teleporter chain to an endpoint

yeah! perfect! and maybe add some camera points for cooler stuff too!

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I hope I helped! And it is possible!

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thanks for the help dude I really appreciate it :+1:

I also changed the title so hopefully more people will post physics ideas

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Slope Jump Reset when Slope Jump Reset:

Sorry to sound rude, but what is vaulting again?

Anyways, Voidfluffy made a wiki for types of jumps, not sure if it would help but here it is.


I would understand if people didn’t get vaulting, its basically when you launch yourself over short objects fast, also what is Slope Jump Reset?

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Put simply, when you’re falling down a slope that is the right angle, you can basically trick the game into thinking that you landed on a platform when you didn’t because of the slope, and your regain your jump AND double jump. You can also do this infinitely if you have an infinitely high slope.


Wait, I think I know something similar to vaulting, but it doesn’t exist anymore as it had to be patched for the knockback gamemode :sob: It was called corner speed boosting, and idk how to explain it…

(also don’t count on me replying again, I need to sleep soon)


@unavailible , you basically solved everything!


good morning forums,this will be a good day