Ideas for NULL'S HOME

NULL’S HOME is looking empty

What is your map about?
Also, welcome to the forum @ROIED! I suggest reading Community Made Guides in forum-tips, beginner-must-read and new-user-must-read. If you need help, just ask away!
After all, this is a community forum.

it take’s place in a digital unevers infested with bug’s glitches and vireses

Do you have all the mechanics down? Also, welcome to the forums! Thank you for not putting the question in the title!

You could add sentries to your map and when you kill them you get a random curse or debuff

ok and

i take that back i fownd a cluter

that is all to a core

Ummmm… Maybe, just maybe consider using grid snap 64 or 32.

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Or, organizing. Don’t mean to sound rude sorry.

AHHHHHHH! Also, what’s Null’s Home? This picture is scary! So many devices!

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These guides might help you:

what wood be a good kit for it

can i fores chang the players skin

Maybe a halloween-themed kit

You can’t change players skins currently, sorry about that.

want to play it to help me test

get wixed lol

Codes are not allowed on the forum. I’m in school right now so you can ask others to play it with you on the wixsite.

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thats your cue, @Haiasi

Ill jo1in on the wix