Ideas For New PvP Map

Hi Guys. I’m Gonna Make a Pvp Map, but with a bunch of hidden rooms. Plz help give me any ideas! Thank You!

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Make like a forest like this maybe

Thanks Shade! I’ll Add that too!

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yea also welcome to the community guide line place that’s only for Gimkit creative stuff

Ok I’ll keep this in mind!

And make sure to read the community guide lines here this might help Welcome to the Forums!

ok I’ll read them! THanks again

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Your welcome @ShadowTree87

and them like add a wooden tower in the middle

and for like the top maybe add this?

ok I’ll consider this idea

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Make like a shooting area on the tower to attack others?.. :neutral_face:

Yeah I like that. I currently have a bunch of hidden rooms with weapons and all upgrades.

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This is my first map I’m gonna publish so i’m loving the ideas

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Yea I hope you have fun but before you publish make sure no one else has that name or any word in the name or after it leaves new releases you most likely will not be able to search it up
unless you unpublish and republish it

thanks! i’ll add the forest. Do you have any maps you published Shade?

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yea its called Battle of heros but just like I last Saided I happened to my map I just haven’t carried to un publish and re publish it yet It used to be called One way in but because some one else had one way in it my map can’t be searched in discovery untel they fix it :neutral_face:

ok maybe you wanna help test mine for glitches? it’s half finished

Have you read the guilde lines yet?

no I only skimmed why?