Hello! I got a new idea - Make a Minecraft-like Gimkit map! If there is anything that I can do to make it come true, please let me know! Also, make a snow shovel game for the winter seasons, and make it where people can make maps on creative and apply to make it a new map!
welcome back @HomeForSummer2011
I was thinking mainly for the Mods or Creators of Gimkit. But Thank You @metal_sonic-1
@DaRickroller @RickStachely, can we make these ideas happen?
What in the world are those usernames
I don’t think they are active anymore.
If you want to give suggestions to Team Gimkit, suggest it at gimkit.nolt.io.
This is a forum designed to ask questions for building in Gimkit Creative. If you want to build it within this software, go take a peek at that guide!
Ok Thank You @Slim
I have corrected and put it in the right location. Thank You!