Ideas for my medieval marketplace map

I have a shop that you can run. (There’s a lot of devices.) And a blacksmith.

But I don’t know what to do with the money you earn, same with the slingshots you can also buy.

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What’s the objective of the entire game?


To earn money and be a market master

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Make the experience more effective by buying upgrades for various things throughout the game.

Maybe you can craft a zapper and a slingshot into an Evil Eye?
Maybe a crafting area?

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I suggest you change the game settings so that whoever has the most amount of cash wins. The cash can buy upgrades that raise the prices and levels of your merchandise.

I feel like I added too many devices to my marketplace…


You can earn money by selling grapes and buying grapes to sell, but what should you do with your slingshots that you can buy?

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Make sentries to attack and reward money on death.

Here’s an idea: you can try to attack and steal from the other players’ shops. You can hire sentries and buy lasers to protect yours.


And their crops.

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How do you feel about raiding the castle? [poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

  • Should I add a castle raid?
  • Yes
  • No
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with your slingshot to earn money

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Might want to fix that poll of yours. They only work if they’re on their own line, like this:

[poll type=regular yada yada yada…


you don’t plant grapes, you buy them.


The poll has to be on a seperate line, like a onebox.

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  • Should I add raids on the castle?
  • Yes
  • No
  • IDK
0 voters
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Don’t vote the title!


Now, the question’s an option, and it’s winning.


Okay, I will add raids!

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I don’t know which post should be the solution.

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