Ideas for my map?

Hey, I know I have not posted in a while but I feel like my map is a bland.

(Yes I saw foxies and I thought, well if thats bland then mine is well idk)

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add more stuff on the tables and counters

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For the basketball court, use poles on a lower layer for the lines of a court.

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Add bread, apples, and other items on the tables.

The kitchen is well done. I personally don’t think anything needs to be modified or added in that sector.

Ok, can you guys see my other screenshots? because I cant see them.

yeah I got a lot of comments asking how it’s bland

maybe I can make a joke/meme off of it

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Add sentries with cohesive skins and add interactions with some.

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No. Try adding them again.

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Maybe change the plant sentries to something that actually matches the theme?
And talks?

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That’s what I was saying minus the interactions. It’s fine @THEHACKER120. You just didn’t see it . Forgiveness sent. Now back on topic for me.

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Oh my bad…

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I’ve re-added it.

Other things to add:
More chairs
Put grid don and align the anvils better
For jail maybe add some chemicals?

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They are now visible. Maybe add more amenities in the bedrooms. But not luxurious. Maybe old tools.

Put buckets of lava near the anvils. Add more food to the tables. Is this a prison?

yes, It is.

For the rooms, add some more decor. Not to the point where it’s homely.


add papers, desks, trash, emoji
to the cells

Maybe add lore by outside other peoples cells names age and what they did and you can find them? That would add some fun interaction.

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