Ideas for my map?

the guy in the mess hall, you can buy a magic wand from him.

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Iā€™m pulling this from my favorite prison game
add a telephone where you pay some money to get advice on how to escape


Add the alien plants in the hallways if itā€™s a prison and magic.

Thatā€™s a start. More interaction = more fun, just add lore for players to find and just have players able to interact with anything that catches their eye.

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i just got here and your map is so awesome!

this is NOT bland at all @Gimkit_kid

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Thank you so much! This makes me really happy.

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If you tell me the main objective of the game, I can help make some decent lore.

In the lore, the bots are like the robo-guards that cannot miss a shot.

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I can make you a thumbnail if you wantā€¦

Thank you!
deep inhale
Basically you need to make money by working in the sweat shop, you findout this out from a book in a library that tells you to make money in the sweatshop. once you get the money you buy a magic wand from the guy in the mess hall and you can then eliminate the guards at the front desk. Once you do that a passage to the outside world is discovered. you can battle some guards to get a key-card. in the dock, you can either choose to blow up some gas canisters or take them with you. If you take them with you, you can then make it to the mainland unharmed. If you blow them up, you are sent to a refuel island. You only have a 1/2 chance to make it.

I already have one, but thank you.

Iā€™m on it! Just give me a minute or two. I write real quick.

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Here! Tell me what I should remove, edit, etc. Hope you enjoy it!

Sucks in air for a deep breath

The magical prison was built on an isolated island, surrounded by an impenetrable barrier of magic. The wardens of the prison were powerful sorcerers who had mastered the art of magical confinement. The prison was designed to hold the most dangerous and powerful magical beings, who were a threat to society.

The prison was divided into several levels, each level more treacherous and challenging than the last. The inmates were confined to their cells for most of the day and were only allowed to leave for a limited amount of time to exercise or attend classes. The wardens were always on the lookout for any signs of rebellion or escape attempts, and they punished any violation of the rules with harsh and severe consequences.

However, there were a few inmates who were determined to escape the prison and return to the mainland. They spent years planning and preparing for their escape, gathering supplies and honing their skills. The escape was a treacherous journey that required immense courage and determination.

The inmates had to navigate through the treacherous terrain of the island, avoiding the many magical dangers that lurked in the shadows. They had to gather food, water, and other essential supplies to survive the journey. The wardens had also placed numerous magical obstacles along the way, making the escape even more difficult.

The escapees had only half a chance of making it back to the mainland, but they were willing to take the risk. Those who succeeded in escaping became legends, their stories passed down from generation to generation. However, those who failed were never heard from again, either lost to the dangers of the island or captured and punished by the wardens.

Despite the risks, the allure of freedom and the chance to return to their former lives was too great for many of the inmates to resist. They continued to plot and plan, hoping that one day they would be able to make the perilous journey back to the mainland and start their lives anew.

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Iā€™m sorry I did not respond, my internet stopped working :sweat_smile:

This looks amazing!

Thanks. And donā€™t worry my internet is trash too. :slight_smile:

Anything I should change for it?

In my game, its a book you can read in the library.

WAit, you made that prison game?

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could you please incorporate this?

Ha! Cool! did you like it?

(sorry off topicā€¦)

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