Ideas for Good Dreams and Bad Dreams (Anything Additional)

exactly! good for single player games and it could be used in a variety of ways to make gimkit look like pretty much everything! and im done for the night i dont see how its not useful -_- cuz idk ur point of view but its seeming pretty darn limited

only the creator of the map can see it until they refresh. it has no point other than just a gag.

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my good dream: finding a new friend
my bad dream: betrayal

Good dreams: Whatever they said
Nightmares: Your family is gone. Or, you die over and over but then get woken up. Your parents obliterate you then your alarm clock rings.

Bad Dream:Everything You Own Blow Up like a bomb

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Nice ideas! Sorry, I just saw these now.

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Also, I need some suggestions for my game so far.

So, what I thought was for the bad dream, you spawn and there is sentries everywhere. If you accidently stepped on an invisible trap, you will be stuck in a box and try to find a way out. Meanwhile, there is timer. If you don’t come out before the timer ends, you wake up scared and if you escape from the box, your scary dream continues and then I am not so sure what to do next…

So, any ideas??

A endless runner dream where if you die you wake up.

Purple monkey.(search it up. Be scared if it is there.)

No, that is ridiculous.

Did you search it up? If you did, search up purple monkey horror story or something like that.

It not there… never mind…

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Alright, back to ideas. Maybe a wall of spikes getting closer until you solve a puzzle escape room style!

Nice idea VWOOM! It’s a excellent idea!

Yes! I got seen! Thank you!

for a good dream, make a food dream. use emojis for food and use LOTS of bright colors.
if you’re still stumped, here’s some ideas for a food dream.

Yes but nightmares are all the rage.

perhaps make it uncanny? have so much food is gets disgusting and dangerous.

The thought makes me shudder, good idea! Shudder