Ideas for Cookie Climb! Winner(s) get credit!

I need ideas for my game, Cookie Climb. Any ideas are fine, but I already have 7 levels and I need ideas for what comes next. I have an idea that a person goes to claim their treasure for beating the game and something bad happens next and they need to go through more levels and whatnot. So, please tell me your questions, comments, and your ideas! If I decide to use your idea, you will get put in the credits!

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climb ? dreams with milk

The player could be dunked into a glass of milk and have to escape without being “eaten” (could be dodging games with lasers or sentries)


How about you can add secret levels, like this:
Level Name: Oven Cavern
Plot: At the top, if you broke something on (your level name), when you reach the top you will fall down into this cave. It is very hot, the water is melted chocolate, and you can’t step on dough.
Enemies: Techtonic Rumbles (regular enemy), Colorful Cupcakes (Mini boss), Cell Snap (Main Boss)
Tools/Objective: You must try to dig a way out with a rare pickaxe, while freezing Tectonic Rumbles with a snowball launcher and find snowballs to recharge your launcher through trading gold ore (20 snowballs for 3 dynamic gold)


pls dont get off-topic crazy

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here’s a visual idea!

have a milk waterfall (using white barriers with different opacity settings!)

let them fall off of the cliff down the waterfall after they open the “treasure trap”


Ok, so I have asked the person that I am making the game for and so far she likes @RyanDaGreat 's idea and @Sythic’s idea. Thank you for giving an idea @Kat_aronii, but you are not out of the running yet!! I will have a poll after I get more ideas too. Thank you all!

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Bump for more ideas!

Make a level select where you walk across a line of teleporters and each teleporter teleports you to a level, you have to complete the previous level of course.

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you can have a maze and if you go the wrong way you go back to the beginning of the maze, once you complete the maze you can make a teleporter to teleport to the next level ,i hope you like my idea

from maryam

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ok taco i got it well did you like my idea?


Maybe in specific areas, I suggest you add Gingerbread Man Gim NPCs, or mini-bosses you have to avoid in the levels.

To add on to that, how about the player, along with the treasure, being eaten and you have to escape WITH the treasure in order to beat the game.

Are these ok?


Use a PML to fight sentries with the cookie skin? Idk

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Maybe you could have a bunch of sentries that are trying to “steal” the treasure (if the treasure is cookies) like cookie thieves and you have to stop them.

You would have to knock out the sentries to reclaim your treasure but the treasure “chest” would be able to take damage (from weapons) and if it disappeared you would lose the treasure.

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