Ideas for a thing

I mean is how would I track if someone got hit with the tomato and make them slow and do less damage?

So a freeze ability that randomly freezes part of the map?

Also, maybe a fire ability aswell?

Maybe even a bomb one.

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Yes, I think you can set the Damage Boost to go below 1.00x.
(I think, it might’ve got removed though)

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Good idea! and I can make it so it lets them move after like 5 seconds!

You cant make a bomb, thats spread damage, ice can be to a player, i think. And fire, would be slow damage and you can’t do that.

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Maybe put lasers covering the whole map, and everyone except them would get damaged (including their teammate) and it turns on and off randomly?

That and or everyone is temporarily frozen but triggering player or just everyone… good for if you need time to heal and getting bombarded.

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Could, but that should be like a killstreak nuke, 25 kills and you can activate it.

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25 might be too many since the game ends when all but one teams die (each team has 2 people)

You could use lasers that gradually activate, fire could disable abilities and decrease damage using a Damage Modifier and ice could show ice props on the map which damage you with pseudo-health once destroyed.


Ok, it was just an example, you can make it to what ever you want. And @Haiasi fire could disable abilities for a few seconds and ice could do what @Legobuilder said. Best of both worlds.


Could I get some ideas for passive abilities, for example, walk on water (passive abilities are abilities that happen without you like clicking a button or doing something if u didn’t know)

imunity to all abilities, like one per lobby, and walk through walls. that type of stuff.

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Oooo walk trough wall would be good!

Umm…so if it is not doing anything than everyone could do it so just have water as floor. is that right or am i not understanding what you are saying?

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I don’t know how I would do immunity to all abilities, I am not that good

health buff than?

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I mean that you don’t have to do anything for it to work, like it is always active

Yeah, you would just have to have barriers as a team for those who can walk on water. But I gtg, so I am sorry, but I can’t help you anymore tonight. Hope you find what you are looking for.

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did that (the ideas I currently have are in the first post)