Ideas for a game I'm making

So the machine, I was thinking it would be a giant mech with time manipulation powers, obviously, since something with the ability to control time is dangerous, they built it into a mech so it can defend itself against evils, but the evils that I was talking about wan to get inside the mech and eliminate the machine inside.

This kinda follows with the thumbnail which involves the mech being taken apart by one of the evil peoples scientists

What about a keycard needed to disable the mech, that must be obtained elsewhere.

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Yes, that could work, maybe a secret passage that the evil people don’t know about? That is guarded by sentries and obstacles to make sure no one but with a pure heart can obtain?

Yes. Perhaps, as lore, it was made from stollen information from the evil ones, which they forged into a keycard and hid where no one evil could find it, and if they did, past all the defenses, they wouldn’t be able to access it because only one of pure intentions could get it. As well, after the mech is disabled, the machine drops.

IDEA IF THIS PART HASN’T BEEN DONE YET: Perhaps it is a space container pretending to be something else, but inside there could be the recepeter, a quantum portal. When the recepter destroys the reciever, it activates the machine. Time limit time until evil scientists win?

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I haven’t come up with that, but it’s perfect! Although, could you elaborate a tad bit more about the receptor and receiver?

Also, if the game starts outside the facility, then I was thinking, could we do a vision that occurs to the player, telling them to go into a facility and unlock a weapon that could fix the world?


The receptor:
It is a quantom portal, which is used to d3stroy the reciever. It is granted from the engine-charger-device-thing, and is supercharged, so it alone can destory the receiver
The receiver:
This is a device that has a lot of health, but can be destroyed by the receptor, and when it does, it send a signal that activates whatever comes next.

(How to supercharge items:
How to create the most OP weapon ever. 🟩)

I like your idea with the vision, and I made a scipt for a mysterious voice that speaks to the main character:

Oh, chosen.

You must restore the times of old, before the dark awakening.

The world needs you.

Dark forces are working against you, and you must thwart their plans to d3stroy the world’s only hope for redemption.

Make haste, find the lost keycard, travel to the H.O.P.E. (Healer and Optimizer of Past Eras), and restore the times of old.


The vision is perfect, and I just read about how to super charge weapons. This is a great idea, although, what activates it the receptor to d3stroy the receiver?

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You could add something like armor that makes you stronger or like serums that make you stronger (Strength booster) but some do damage to you if you take them. Also you need to make tall buildings that blew up and fires. Also a chase where you chase the final boss on the top of the building and then it gets shattered as you accidentally knock it out of his hand and then you find an ancient wizard who says "(your name) it was never the device, it was you, look at what you have done… he vanishes and then it shows a picture of all of the resistances you have established and the bad guys vanquished then the sun sets the screen turns dark and the game ends. Wow I should of made a movie with that…


Hope I helped!

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That’s pretty good, I liked it. Although, I don’t exactly want the machine to get destroyed, but maybe after an almost devastating series of events, the machine is safe in the hands of the good and the Old World is brought back.

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I was just joking about the movie. But thanks!


It is just use it old fassioned…

Or just use the health “2320” for instant destruction!

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So, would the quantum weapon or receptor, target the prop, or when it is started, it would target the player, but it would be behind the prop, so, if the prop was enabled to take damage, then it would hit the prop?

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That… Is kind of confusing…

I know, but one thing, what exactly is the receiver? Is it the time machine, is it the scientists weapon?
Also, what I mean is that you said that the receptor can d3stroy the receiver, so what I mean is that a quantum weapon is usually aimed by a sentry or a player, so if we hide the sentry, that’s one thing aside, but how would the blast hit the receiver? Would we configure the weapon to aim at the prop? Or, would we have the weapon aim at the player, but with the prop in the way? So it gets hit with a blast. That’s what I mean, hope my message came across!

The machine technically is against the evil scientists, so if the timer starts, it would be the scientists racing against time, unless the machine is the thing that can d3stroy the time machine, then it is a time limit for the good guys.

Also, I think the story can start with the player with a group of other friends, since the world is ruled by gangsters, but the friends soon disappear (not like their being kidnapped or anything like that, but as if the player sees it as if he needs to do it alone) so he’s alone in the facility.

Also, if I unpublished my game to make these changes, would I have to pay 1000 gimbucks again to republish it?

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Also, how should the game start? Does it start with the player asleep and then receiving the vision, or do we start with the player living in the day time and THEN at night he has the vision?

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Both of these questions: The reciever is a prop, or multible, that has damage activated and sends a signal on destruction.

Sorry, next time try ChatGPT to make it easier to understand.

But, If I got what you mean right, the player has to aim the receptor at the receiver to d3stroy it, but it can also be used as a weapon due to it’s immense dark matter properties.

The reciever, in lore, wouldn’t be destroyed, but it would reveal another, glowing one underneath. Perhaps use gate consoles, and when the orange one is destroyed, a green one shows, indicating the machine has been activated.

Also, as soon as the receptor/quantum portal is given to the player, it clears all other items from their inventory and makes the receiver visible. This makes it a challenge to fight off sentries with just an overpowered quantum portal, but also makes it so no other gadget could d3story/activate it.

And to answer your second question, either would work, I guess it would just depend on the layout of the game and where it needs to go.

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Okay, so the receiver, would it be a weapon the scientists were using to open the mech, or is it the last major defense system from the mech?

Also, what are gate consoles?

And also,

So if the receiver is part of the scientists weapon, would the player d3stroy it because they were tricked by the scientists, since the evil scientists couldn’t activate the weapon with a good guy literally punching them to the floor. And if it’s from the mech, is it just to scare off the scientists, so that the player, who through a whole journey and unclear prophecies from bystanders can deactivate it without the scientists meddling?

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Let me explain:

receptor=a quantum portal for protection and to “power” the H.O.P.E. by aiming it at the reciever and destroying the receiver, but from a lore standpoint, it is really just activating it
receiever=the prop used to show it is powered and to send a signal to go to the next stage via channels; is not a scientist weapon
gate consoles=a type of prop used as the reciever, the one with the orange screen being destroyed, sending a signal and showing the one with the green screen, which was hidden underneath
scientist weapon= the F.A.T.E. (Future Annulling Temporal Equalizer), which, when the time runs out, they supposedly use on the fate, or the mech if you haven’t destroyed it yet, which makes a laser visible, pointing to the fate, and making it hide. Then, it ends the game and you lose.

(Also, that sound good, but I was talking about making your message more clear.

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Ok, I think I understood most of it. For now, I’ll start with the player receiving the vision and beginning his journey to the facility.