I was wondering how to make powers with game overlay

idk how to make it

what do you mean by that?

what do you mean by “powers” ?

like stuff in box fights

can you explain what you want as a “power”?

You press the game overlay, it activates something. Simple. To make different powers outside of speed, damage and health regen are not so simple.


so do you want to get like speed or something from the overlay?

Oh, you mean a pop-up?

I’m working on powers like some Naruto type powers

If you want a pop-up, just connect it to the power device you want to give and have it activate when the device is activated. If you want icons, see the icons page.

pretty easy (maybe not for the noobs)

basically trigger loop with 1.5 sec delay, with a certain amount of max triggers… then connect it to a health granter for 2 health then shield each time…

woops I took that out of context… stuff OUTSIDE of speed, power boost, and regen, are pretty hard but a suggestion is the teleporter power, make a randomizer…

then you set the “broadcast on channel” to "teleport1, teleport2, teleport3… etc.)

then player teleports around the make and set then to:
teleport player here when receiving on channel "teleport1, teleport2…

now get an overlay and connect it to the trigger…
(and give the overlay a cool down)

and you should have teleportation powers!


I think you read my sentence wrong. Health regen is simple.

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