I want to make an animated "..."

Your right i could but i will need a bit of your knowledge on code.

How do I make it pop up in the popup? I have that but I don’t know how to make it in the popup

Make the text property broadcast on “Update Popup” when its changed. Make a block in the popup receive on “Update Popup”. It should set the text to the text property. In the popup settings, make the popup not closable by the player. If you want that, then make a channel that closes the popup.

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Ok yeah cuz I don’t really understand

Ok I think I did something wrong cause it’s not popping up when I do it

see if you can get on the wix and maybe @getrithekd can j0in your agem and show you.

What do I have to connect the trigger to?

Ok. I’ll just put everything so far here:
First, you need something that repeats. So first you need recursion. To do this, set up the trigger with .1s delay. Wire this to a wire repeater. Wire the wire repeater back to the trigger. Now, you need something to track how many dots there are. So make a counter with a target of 3 and a default of 1. The counter should edit a property. Make the trigger set a text property to the amount of dots that the number property says. Make the text property broadcast on “Update Popup” when its changed. Make a block in the popup receive on “Update Popup”. It should set the text to the text property.

In the popup settings, make the popup not closable by the player. If you want that, then make a channel that closes the popup.

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Yeah I did that but it’s not showing up in the popup, it’s just blank

When I wire the repeater to the trigger, what should I make it do? Like just trigger? Sorry I have so many questions I know this is probably frustrating ;w;

Try using a text device instead.

Just trigger.

I think I’m just gonna make a popup open and close… Sorry I just can’t figure this out

That would be better.

How do I do that? Without closing them manually

My thought is to teleport the character to a separate area and add dot text boxes and make them show slowly and then teleport the character back.

You could use popups so the player doesn’t move

blizzy made a guide like this

You do realize that the last post on this topic was 5 months ago, right?

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not really it just showed up somewhere…