I need some ideas for barrier art

@Lostsea if you want I could help you with your barrier art…

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oh nevermind…you pinged me i thought you were mentioning me…nevermind.

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just simply type the code for example if the code is 12345678 then just do 12345678

give me a few minutes padlet is blocked

Wouldn’t that only be local lol? Unless you import them as barrier objects (through whatever the server setup is). Hmmmmm…

I think I might have a theory for how you modded it (yes I’m investing hours of my life into JS and the web-socket plugin to make images in gimkit).

how much longer till you j0in?

who is supposed to j0in

you said you would help

Okay i got it thanks

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I’m sending requests to actually place barrier devices, it’s server side.


@WolfTechnology heres how its going
Screenshot 2024-02-22 4.21.20 PM


Ooh, looks good! Also, what is that?

images (95)

Oh, okay got it! Looks SOOOO nice!

Im making it for WolfTechnology


um why? “”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”"

I love explosions @GimNo0b

if ur trying to get by the character limit put words (no symbols) in <>