I need ideas of what to build

i’ll come up with something later

it’s possible I recommend starting with something easier

can gimkit creative detect if you press your keys on your keyboards


ok @Foxy, I will come up with something else

As I said- this is pretty difficult stuff and so you should start with something easy, like a graphing calculator. If you want to know how to make one, a tutorial can be found here:

Eh, German tanks are better, but back on topic.

Said the german guy

I think we can all agree the olifant is the superior tank here :trollface:

get linked @VWOOM

1 Like

The instrument? Yeah, sure. Wait, it’s also a tank. But still, German tanks are goated.

Make a Gimposible maze!! :heart: :cat:

Why are we talking about tanks?? :heart: :black_cat:

VWOOM suggested the_chosen_one make a tank, and so we started arguing over which tank was superior.

oh ok! Honestly, I don’t know much about tanks, but I do know a few names of tanks and how they look! I really like how the olifant tank looks. :heart: :cat2:

The german one.

@Blackhole927, the google reasons that german tanks are indeed better.

Its long-barreled, high-velocity 75-mm gun had good range and penetrating power against most enemy tanks, and the Panther’s armour—80 mm thick at the front and 40–45 mm on the sides and rear—was sloped so that shells would ricochet off it.

I’m just messing with you lol- I know nothing about tanks and so have no right to say which is better.

Then know, the Panzerkampfwagen is the best. Also, copy paste! That is how I spell Panzerkampfwagen But you spell that Panzerkampfwagen

How do you know how to spell that???]
Edit: MY EMOJIS NOO NOT AGAIN :heart: :cat:

I needed ideas for what to do not a conversation about tanks!

Make a Gimposible mazeeee!!! :heart: :cat2:

You could name it ‘The Gimposible Maze’!
Edit: THIS IS THE 5TH TIME I FORGOT MY EMOJISS :heart: :black_cat: