I need help with the map choosing buttons

so far i just put them as the player steps on them then jumps off and teleports to map but i gotta fix but how do i do it to where the map with most votes gets choses and teleports them there?

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I recommend looking in the Among Us tag and looking for voting guides. Also, this belongs in the help section, I believe.


Give each counter a property. Each property is linked to a teleporter. When the button is pressed, have a checker check to see which property has the highest number. If it’s a tie, choose a random map.

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ok i will see if it works and mark solution later if it works

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idk how to do that can you show images so i know how it will look?


i don’t have the time right now but maybe later

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they all seem to be private

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How to make a list of who has pressed a button! :yellow_square: or 4/10 - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative

Dooo reeeseaaarch before posting a tooopicccc

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What do you mean?

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When you enter the zone, increment a counter and deactivate the zone, but make sure that the scope of the zone is for the player only. Make each counter set their own property. Then use this system by magenta dragon:

I would focus on the “Creating the voting room” and the “Counting the votes” section.

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To compare the values of the counters, set them to each update a property, called ‘map1’, ‘map2’, & ‘map3’. Then run some block code so that:

If- get property (map1) > get property (map2)
Then- If- get property (map1) > get property (map3)
      Then- broadcast message on channel (map1wins)
      Else- broadcast message on channel (map3wins)
Else- If- get property (map2) > get property (map3)
      Then- broadcast message on channel (map2wins)
      Else- broadcast message on channel (map3wins)