I need help with my zombie war game

Im making a zombie war game
but idk how to make only humans and “smart zombies” be able to pick up items on the map

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Firstly, no game codes are allowed on here.

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why not???----------

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And you can just make dropped items visible to team only, right? Or you can make buttons that only one team can press.

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i am useing spawners tho

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And game codes are not allowed on this site. They would spam up the site, and you will get banned for posting game codes.

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It’s to prevent spamming.

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IDK, but the mods said you can’t. probably to avoid random people destroying your game.

oh, ok thanks…huebwhbd4

Item spawners are not very customizable though, so you can’t do this unless you switch to something else, like buttons and wire repeater delays to simulate the spawner.

Make sure to edit your post to remove it. Also you can put characters in <> to make them disappear while passing the limit.

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I want to have the player to know what they’re looting

Maybe you can have an item spawner that the player can’t reach to symbolize it then?

if possible, you could have a lifecycle wired to a relay set to specific team> team 2. then have it connect to a inventory item manager so that it deactivates. then place the spawner there. make sure that there is a max of zero set for the item

but i also need to make only humans, and maybe "smart"zombies to be able to pick things up

So you can set the buttons scope to player, and have them activate on a channel, allowing only humans to pick them up.

wait, just place a barrier around the item spawner that get deactivated by a lifecycle wired to a relay. just make scope to team

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i littearly cant

Numbers don’t work with the tags <>.

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Also don’t use numbers in <>