I need help with my GimJam map

My map isn’t finished yet, and I’m making it for GimJam this year. The entries are due tomorrow and I can’t think of a good main gameplay mechanic. Any ideas?

Welcome to the forum, @Skelatin! The creator has said that they like the underwater theme. If you need anymore ideas, check out this guide :point_down:

Or @JoeTheChicken’s version.

Make sure to mark a solution when you find what you’re looking for.

Thanks! I’ll check it out. :smile:

Make sure to look at @JoeTheChicken’s as well! If this helps you and you don’t need anymore ideas, then make sure to mark a solution!

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By the way, they extended the gim jam to the 20th

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That nice to here, and @Skelatin please mark a solution.

Welcome to the forum!

Looks like @WhereIsMyHat handled it! Welcome to the forum!!

welcome @Skelatin ! and remember to mark a solution if you have found the ideas you want (im not really participating in gimjam since i already have like 15250 gim tokens i´ve been saving for a dragon gim :frowning: )

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