I need help with block codes

how in the name of god himself do I open the block code; like for example this bossfight code: Screenshot 2023-10-12 6.20.18 PM
how in the name of god do I do this?
Is it like some sort of thing im not getting?!?!

You can open block code by doing this:

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What do you mean by “open” ?


like how do I get to the menu where you connect the block themselves

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Read I need help with block codes - #2 by twofoursixeight again, that is the solution to the topic.

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When you click on a device, say a trigger for example, there is at the top left of the screen a little gear icon, click that and you have access to the block menu.


Here is a complete list of devices with the code menu:

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Thanks guys, I got it open and now I know how to do it.


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