I need help making a dimension for SCP-1499. I am making an SCP Roleplay game. I am not sure what props, terrain, or sentry skins I should use for the dimension. Please help
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Anyway, you should have a forest terrain or setting with a barrier that covers the screen with some transparency.
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- Desert
- Forest/Jungle
- Farmland
- Beachfront/Coastal
- Abandoned wreck
There’s some theme ideas for you to base your props & terrain off of!
That’s a good idea. What skin should I use for the sentries? (thank you for saving my account from permanent banishment btw).
I will keep the abandoned wrecks in mind and probably do a desert theme. What gadget, skin, and stats should I put for SCP-1499-2? Also, should I make a way to escape and if so how?
A gas mask seems oddly specific
Would Gimkit let me use a gas mask? It is a game for children. If not, I will make it just a mask.
gas mask maybe. Creepy scp stuff? No
dont worry. I made sure the other scps arent scary. 610 is a plant and 106 is just a puddle. I even added 999 :3
Well, sadly the best gadget related to desert them is probably the prickler, but that’s not in GKC yet. So out of the current gadgets we have, I would suggest Slingshot (it’s a real-ish kind of gadget).
For sentry skin, I would do one of the newer ones in the Apocalypse game by Gimkit, especially Twister if that is an option.
Stats, I don’t know.
Oh also I wouldn’t do the gas mask for age purposes.
Okay, thank you! This helps a lot
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