I need help with among us in gimkit

I need help with vents

This should tell you how to make a vent in gimkit

Artwork of a vent

A little more complicated one that only lets the imposter go in the vent

A lil’ more just in case lol


Thank you, im going to test it out now

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Has it worked? let me know if anything is wrong :slightly_smiling_face:

It is great and works. Thank you!

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make sure to mark the solution to close :slightly_smiling_face:

Okay, um, its not really working. The teleporter keeps teleporting me withou me pressing the button

show me a picture of what you have rn


so what is exactly wrong here your saying?

When I walk by the vent, it automatically TPs me

how near?

is it because of that teleporter?

are you walkng in the teleporter and its putting you in the vent?

How does your vents work? You press a button and it teleports you somewhere else?

bump :fire:?

idk man i just vented and found this :sob:

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@MACsterpiece You still need help? If you do, can you explain what you have so far because we are all confused.