I Need Help With A Way To Move The Sentry

Ok, so the sentries are bonnie and crew, right? (Sorry, I don’t know much about fnaf)

yep thats right just that is the problem

Ok, so the point is that they shoot at you? And do you shoot back, or is there no way to damage them?

Kinda already said that. But I am just making sure that they don’t damage the sentry.

No they’re not supposed to shoot back

YOu could try to use animation, but yeah, so far that is impossible…

what now

hello? anyone there right now

I here kinda but not Really

I mean, there isn’t much you can do…
try to follow one of the animations:

But otherwise you should probably mark a solution
(YOu could also suggest that to gimkit)
To suggest:

Is ‘they’re’ the people playing the game?

If you are trying to make a sentry move from one place to another then i can help

@Kdawg2713 if you want to move a sentry from one place to another you would have to have a sentry (sentry 2) in the area the where your original senty (sentry 1) is going to move. Then you would have to wire sentyr 1 to sentry 2 and set it to “when hidden activate sentry”. Then you would have to wire the cause of the movement to sentry 1. For Example if your sentry is moving because a player entered a room then you would get a zone and wire the zone to the sentry 1. If your sentry is moving because the player pressed a button you would have to wire the button to the sentry and have it say “when button pressed deactivate sentry” and whatever is causing your sentry to move you would wire it to the 1st sentry and make it deactivate. Hope this helped :slight_smile:

Also if you dont want the sentry to attack the player put a barrier around it and amke it invisible :grin:

The sentry can still attack the player, just the player can’t attack the sentry in that format.

No ive used that in my map the barrier keeps the sentry from shooting as long as you perfectly surround it

Huh. You’re right. I guess that’s what I get for not using sentries since sentry interactions were patched. Must have changed after that.

you can make sentries seem to move…through animations, and fnaf-like mechanics.
also if you put invisible bucket exactly where weapon will be they cannot shoot…i belive there was or is a guide about that somewhere.

@Kdawg2713 if you want to move a sentry from one place to another you would have to have a sentry (sentry 2) in the area the where your original senty (sentry 1) is going to move. Then you would have to wire sentyr 1 to sentry 2 and set it to “when hidden activate sentry”. Then you would have to wire the cause of the movement to sentry 1. For Example if your sentry is moving because a player entered a room then you would get a zone and wire the zone to the sentry 1. If your sentry is moving because the player pressed a button you would have to wire the button to the sentry and have it say “when button pressed deactivate sentry” and whatever is causing your sentry to move you would wire it to the 1st sentry and make it deactivate. Hope this helped Also if you dont want the sentry to attack the player put a barrier around it and amke it invisible :slight_smile:

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