Im using Platformer currently and heres the guide I’m using.
Check for a area like “tag zone” or something like that.
Im using Platformer currently and heres the guide I’m using.
Check for a area like “tag zone” or something like that.
In the future, please don’t post duplicate topics. A moderator can clean up the posts to make it good as new!
yeah? what about it?
you told me to look for a area like tag zone
no but if theres a area that sounds like that I could have messed up on.
we do not know what you messed up on nor do we have the knowledge about you or how well you do in gimkit so we can’t answer the question “that I could have messed up on.”
Please elaborate more so we can understand to help you. Some suggestions is some images on what you have.
[quote=“Matheas, post:37, topic:7608, full:true”]
[quote=“Cameron_Sharer, post:1, topic:7608”]
Tagging team-team 2
Respawn on tag-no
Tag area-Entire map
Player tagged- transmit on SwitchToTeam2
Player tagged another- transmit on SwitchToTeam1
Once tagged, the players need to switch teams from tagger to taggee and vice versa. To do that we’ll use team switchers. This WILL respawn the players… no workaround.
Team Switcher Device x2
Switch to team- Team 2
On channel- SwitchToTeam2
Switch to team-Team 1
On channel SwitchToTeam1
If this post is the same question you asked in the guide when both players were knocked out I believe this will help.
Woops the quote didn’t work This is not my work it is the owner of the guides