I need help with a counter recognizing how many players are alive

I already tried using relays set to 2 specific teams but I can’t figure this out :frowning_face:

Place a zone over the spawner that sends a message on channel PlayerEmtered when it was entered, and deactivates for each player when it receives on that same channel. Place down a piece of text, and go into the On Channel part of its block code. Tell it to increment a property by one each time it gets a signal. You could also just wire the zone to a counter to have a visual.

To see how many ALIVE players there are, connect a KO manager to the text/counter. Tell it to decrement by one when a player is knocked out. Also, place down a team switcher and connect it to the KO manager so when a player is knocked out, they are switched to a different team.

However, the problem with this is that if a player leaves the game, it messes up the entire thing. Or if the player gets hit by two lasers at once, it registers as two separate knockouts, resulting in the text decrementing twice.


There is a battle Royal post that explains it better than I do. @NavyCatZ, can you provide a link?

Bro I have no idea how to even start to figure out how to solve the double hit issue, let alone issues irl

Neither do I. I’ve been trying to do this for a while, and was unsuccessful for this. The best I can think of for the double hit issue would be to make sure that there are no double kills, and for the leaving the game, that Gimkit adds a device to detect if a player leaves the game.


thx I tried the zone thing already, now i’ll try the ko manager


It works! Thx so much!


I know it’s resolved but here’s a link in case other people need this: