it is most DEFINITELY possible lol
I’m gonna mess around with stuff and see how you can do it then
in the previous topic he was talking about, people already gave him a solution. i dont get what he doesn’t get?
But does it work? I’m not sure if waypoints are still semibroken or not.
I don’t think it works. I tried basically everything. The thing I’m leaning on is a trigger activating the waypoint that follows that player.
which people have already told you…
Oh, wait. I remember that post. NOTHING WORKED!!!
But I will find a way in the 9 1/2 days ofschool!
:0 oh, wait. This is bad. I’m gonna lose five dollars.
What is that? I only speak english.
totally forgot you had a bet or something
lucky duck. I get outta school in mid June
Guess it doesn’t, knockouts being broken and now this Try this maybe. Don’t know if it works.
that will only track whoever pressed the button for a limited amount of time. there are so many things that don’t work in tehebest’s case
The build that I was describing will actually track (if I’m not mistaken) the last person to join the game.
u online?
same. sigh