I need help tracking a player with a waypoint (x2)

I’m gonna mess around with stuff and see how you can do it then

in the previous topic he was talking about, people already gave him a solution. i dont get what he doesn’t get?

I found out how, It’s pretty obvious

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But does it work? I’m not sure if waypoints are still semibroken or not.

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@KittenK you should probably look at this topic first:

I don’t think it works. I tried basically everything. The thing I’m leaning on is a trigger activating the waypoint that follows that player.

which people have already told you…

Oh, wait. I remember that post. NOTHING WORKED!!!

But I will find a way in the 9 1/2 days ofschool!

:0 oh, wait. This is bad. I’m gonna lose five dollars.

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What is that? I only speak english.

totally forgot you had a bet or something

lucky duck. I get outta school in mid June

Guess it doesn’t, knockouts being broken and now this

https://forum.creative.gimkit.com/t/player-tracking-radar/1794/13?u=_unknown_2024 Try this maybe. Don’t know if it works.

that will only track whoever pressed the button for a limited amount of time. there are so many things that don’t work in tehebest’s case

The build that I was describing will actually track (if I’m not mistaken) the last person to join the game.

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post link here and ill help https://padlet.com/LeoTheLion/gimkit-codes-qgsrqviw8pefo2me

u online?

same. sigh

Im online now. I had to go to a lot of places yesterday.