I need help please

You can manipulate pseudo-properties using item granters, BUT that does actually take up block memory too.

i did not read all theses comments so they may have been suggested but when they are knocked out teleport them .5 seconds later this is what i have used and it works

just make abunch of spawners 4 the same team

Please mark this as resolved.

its not resolved yet

Oh… sorry.

KO manager → teleporter.

That’s what I thought.

I have tried that but it has not work

You should have a spawner at the start and use teleporters to teleport the player to the “spawn”. That’s the gist of it. To get into the details, have a lifecycle that detects when a player is knocked out. Make it broadcast to a trigger. Now, make a number property called “Spawn Number” with a default of 1. This will determine which area you will “spawn” at. Make a counter that updates the property. The counter should be triggered whenever you need it to.

Now, in the trigger from earlier, make it use the convert to text block to broadcast on “Spawn at” + [Spawn Number]. Make teleporters that teleport the player there when receiving on a channel. For example, the 2nd “spawn” teleporter should teleport the player there when receiving on “Spawn at 2”.